notable alumni
Changing Athletes Spending Habit
At each C.A.S.H. Symposium, we focus on a specific area of finance, ex. Credit Score, Taxes [for athletes], Home and Automobile purchasing, Knowing the difference between what you can buy vs. what you can afford to maintain, and much more. For each symposium, we bring in a person who’s an expert in the particular topic of finance that we’re discussing at the symposium. We want to show the student athletes the importance of having a bank account and the importance of having a good credit score. Through C.A.S.H. financial literacy programming, we are looking to help create entrepreneurs.

Watch Your Mouth
The objective of the Watch Your Mouth Symposium is to teach male athletes the tools needed to prevent them from blowing a chance of a lifetime.
In light of recent incidents in the NFL (e.g. Aaron Hernandez, Ray Rice, Desean Jackson, and Josh Gordon) and NCAA (e.g. Johnny Manziel, Nick Marshall and Todd Gurley) programs aimed at building character and personal development both on and off the field for athletes are critical. High school is considered a crucial period of development, making it an ideal time to intervene on possible self-destructive behavior before players jeopardize their chances at scholarships and other opportunities.